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I n n o v a t i n g   T r a n s p o r t a t i o n 

Remote Vehicle Control System

Team Update

- Commencing the second semester the team has been working towards the audit 3 goals, looking into design and prototyping, with requirement and functional analysis at the forefront of focus. 


- Additionally at the start of the semester, we gained an additional team member, Borui Chen. Having another member in the team allows us to gain greater depth of knowledge into our respective fields through a greater diversity of research.


- Approaching the end of the year, our team is now completing the testing and evaluation of our system. Our system for controlling the accelerator, brake and steering of our 2014 Ford Focus is implemented within the car. We can now control each of these functions remotely. All our results from our testing are being recorded in our testing and validation documentation. We are preparing for our project presentation, where we will have a live demonstration of our system. Ready for Audit 4 and the end of our project, we are also completing our handover document and finalising our repository. This is to ensure that the team that takes over TOTUS is equipped will all our data and research, and they can immediately begin taking the project into the future.

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